
Nello Petrucci e “L’essenza della leggerezza” in esposizione permanente al 3 World Trade Center di New York

A soul, that of Nello Petrucci whose tangible messages, his works therefore, represent a valid investment in art, but above all in the future of the same



Opening on October 24th on the 45th floor of the magnifying Larry Silverstein (“a masterpiece in the sky”) the first and currently only Italian invited to realize a work in the complex. Among the artists present, all coming from street art, there are prominent names such as those of Ron English, Brandon Sines, WhlsBe, Rubin 415, Lauren YS, Chris WRK, Layercake and many others.

THE PERMANENT – Nello Petrucci, one of the most popular artists on the world stage of contemporary art, is ready to return to New York, for the expected Opening of 24 October (from 18.30 to 20.30, local time), at 3 World Trade Center, with its new work, in permanent exhibition, “The essence of lightness”, promoted by Silverstein Properties, and Contemply Art & Investment. Allgemein Archives » Seite 4 von 21 »


Shreds of hidden souls, of dormant expectations, of dreams that seek wings to hover in the air, torn from the walls of New York and its advertising images to find new life ….

Nello Petrucci, as in all his works, skillfully combines past and present, in a dynamic and kinetic, giving ability to speak, meaning and message to walls otherwise destined to silence, to oblivion, humiliated by time.

COUNTING THE ACT – A work in line with the highest goal of Silverstein and its 3 World Trade Center: seizing the moment, the beauty of contemporary art, to raise it as a testimony of our time and a generous legacy for the future generations. A slight reflection on positivity and hope, being the spokesman of our age, in a building destined to enter the Olympus of the sacred places of contemporary art where one breathes the soul of the essence and the lightness of life …

HISTORY – Nello Petrucci had already achieved consecration in the States in 2017 with the presentation of the “Kairos” collection in the Agora Gallery in New York and in 2018 with the “Pompeii” collection at the 40th Mostra Artexpo in New York, the latter dedicated to his Pompeii and to the mysteries of his eternal beauty: another precious opportunity to exalt the human and artistic beauties of our past and to renew their power and their message in the present, through the artist’s innovative and contemporary approach.

A soul, that of Nello Petrucci, whose tangible messages, his works therefore, represent a valid investment in art, but above all in the future of the same.


EXPERIENCE – Nello Petrucci is an Italian artist and filmmaker who lives and works between Pompeii and New York. After a film career in Rome, where he completed his cinematography studies and matured work experience with directors such as Martin Scorsese, Ari Taub, Manetti Bros, Alan Taylor, etc. , begins to realize various independent projects, from short films and video art to independent films, receiving numerous awards.

He moved for a short time to Dublin, where he met numerous artists, starting to appear in the art world: his artistic journey began in Rome and Naples, the latter where he attended the Academy of Fine Arts with address Scenography . This is where the meeting between Petrucci and the professor and director Antonio Capuano takes place, with whom he creates an independent film within the Academy. From the cinematographic experience comes the inspiration for the visual arts.

Because of his great sensitivity as a true artist, these become the raw material for his imagination and develop a great technical ability, a harbinger of a new artistic course: compose fragments in a universe in full motion (collagè and decollagè) and finally overlay the images in order to create a world, a kinetic language, made of intersections, interactions. A result of exceptional rarity and uniqueness.


DYNAMISM – One of the dominant features of the works he realizes is that of a great dynamism: all the images seem to rotate in a universe that releases a strong energy, the same energy that the artist recalls in his work, communicating his vision of the world , generated by the link between us and the universe and between us and others, through time and our actions.

In a recent interview he declared his strong attraction for the scholar Gallileo Galilei, citing one of his most beautiful phrases: “Things are united by invisible bonds, you can not catch a flower without disturbing a star”.

Marco Antonio Comito


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Marco Antonio Comito

Marco Antonio Comito, classe 1974, nasce e cresce a Rho. Per molti anni vende mobili, finché non viene illuminato sulla via dell’arte e si appassiona a tal punto da decidere di scrivere un libro, “Come investire nell’arte e dormire sereni”, edito da Cordero e in ebook da Algama. Si tratta di una guida che si rivolge a chi non conosce questo mercato, pieno d’insidie, ma che può dare notevoli soddisfazioni. Da una profonda conoscenza del mondo dell’arte contemporanea e dai meccanismi che ne regolano gli andamenti del mercato, l’intuizione e la fondazione di MAC Art & Event, per promuovere la diffusione dell’arte, sfruttandone le sue potenzialità e offrendo indicazioni per conoscere il valore di opere magari custodite da generazioni tra le mura di casa. Nel 2019 fonda Art Dealer Academy, la prima scuola per la formazione di art dealer in Italia. Diplomato a livello internazionale in PNL Trainers Association, diventa membro della international Coach Federation, dopo aver partecipato al corso ACTP European Coaching & NLP Program. Pratica l’arte del coaching, accompagnando i clienti in un percorso appassionato nell’arte, attraverso gli strumenti del Financial & Art Coaching. Da Settembre 2020 Marco Antonio Comito ricopre il ruolo di Direttore Generale della Fondazione Amedeo Modigliani. Per questa ultima la sua società Mac Art & Event organizza e dirige l’evento Modigliani Opera Vision e Biennale Fondazione Modigliani a Venezia.

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