Casazza ReportNewssocietà

Delitto a Capo Santa Chiara di Maria Teresa Valle: Maria Viani tra passato e presente

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Maria Viani, semiautobiographic character of the Ligurian writer Maria Teresa Valle, is a prepared and conscientious hospital biologist, but she has made a wrong job.

For the determination and the sense of a thoroughbred hound in solving the police cases within which is found more or less by chance dragged (let’s say, rather, that does not do anything to not get involved body and soul …), the Viani would I could do an excellent career in the Police, and if we do not find it incisive and dynamic commissioner, or even higher up in the hierarchy, it is only by chance.

The investigating biologist likes to repeat that any mysterious crime arouses in her the uncontrollable curiosity of knowing “who how where when why”.

As well as a valued specialist, she is also a family mother with a busy husband and young children, the singular and risky hobby procures a few embarrassments, so that, at the end of each adventure, solemnly promises to the family and the police, that ” true “, with which he ends up crossing the road, never again dealing with criminal investigations.

Commitment happily always disregarded.

“Delitto a Capo Santa Chiara” (name of a beautiful promontory in the municipality of Boccadasse) is the tenth investigation by Maria Viani, all published by Fratelli Frulli Editore.

As already in the previous novel, “The boys of Ponte Carrega”, Viani is grappling with a case with a historical background, which projects the reader into the distant but suggestive years immediately preceding the Second World War.

The detective biologist is engaged in a retrospective investigation, trying to shed light in the dark murder of a rich countess, wife of a senior officer of the Italian army serving in the Imperial Libyan colony.

In 1938 the woman was found dead by a fierce stab in a splendid liberty villa, now abandoned, in Capo Santa Chiara.

Having learned of the Viani affair, since the solution at the time given to the case appears to be rather unsatisfactory, it can not fail to go to the bottom.

In the end, after several adventures, some trouble and numerous surprises of elements slot, the investigator succeeds, with the usual inspired stubbornness, to discover the truth about that crime of fifty years ago.

Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of the novel is that Mary finds herself completing the work of the Fascist Police Commissioner who investigated in 1938, a singular, surly and afflicted by such an obsessive “rupophobia” that would have made the joy of Sigmund Freud , but all in one piece and scrupulous.

He was relieved of the assignment and transferred as soon as the inquiry came to touch important local notables.

As we know from an interview with the author, Maria Viani has stuck with arrogance as a character in search of an author in history, which included the only protagonist Dr. Damiano Flexi Gerardi, this is the name of the Commissioner of ’38.

We have the feeling, and also the hope, that we will resent talking about both …

Rino Casazza



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Rino Casazza

Rino Casazza è nato a Sarzana, in provincia di La Spezia, nel 1958. Dopo la laurea in Giurisprudenza a Pisa, si è trasferito in Lombardia. Attualmente risiede a Bergamo e lavora al Teatro alla Scala Di Milano. Ha pubblicato un numero imprecisabile di racconti e 15 romanzi che svariano in tutti i filoni della narrativa di genere, tra cui diversi apocrifi in cui rivivono come protagonisti, in coppia, alcuni dei grandi detective della letteratura poliziesca. Il più recente è "Sherlock Holmes tra ladri e reverendi", uscito in edicola nella collana “I gialli di Crimen” e in ebook per Algama. In collaborazione con Daniele Cambiaso, ha pubblicato Nora una donna, Eclissi edizioni, 2015, La logica del burattinaio, Edizioni della Goccia, 2016, L’angelo di Caporetto, 2017, uscito in allegato al Giornale nella collana "Romanzi storici", e il libro per ragazzi Lara e il diario nascosto, Fratelli Frilli, 2018. Nel settembre 2021, è uscito "Apparizioni pericolose", edizioni Golem. In collaborazione con Fiorella Borin ha pubblicato tre racconti tra il noir e il giallo: Onore al Dio Sobek, Algama 2020, Il cuore della dark lady, 2020, e lo Smembratore dell'Adda, 2021, entrambi per Delos Digital Ne Il serial killer sbagliato, Algama, 2020 ha riproposto, con una soluzione alternativa a quella storica, il caso del "Mostro di Sarzana, mentre nel fantathriller Al tempo del Mostro, Algama 2020, ha raccontato quello del "Mostro di Firenze". A novembre 2020, è uscito, per Algama, il thriller Quelle notti sadiche.

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